Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Annotated Games from Dortmund

I thought that Dortmund 2005 was one of the better tournaments of the year, and the one I followed most closely. I have already posted some puzzles from the games of Arkadij Naiditsch. Several others are now annotated online. The best notes are in Spanish but feature lots of lines in algebraic. Enjoy.

Topalov-Naiditsch, Dortmund 2005 annotated by Jorge Fernández
This was the best game of the tournament for me, and the only loss by eventual surprise winner Naiditsch.

Topalov-Naiditsch, Dortmund 2005 annotated by Lubomir Kavalek
You can print out Kavalek's annotations and use them along with the java-board above if you have no set handy. As usual, Kavalek does the best job of explaining things. The link may require a free login to access.

Topalov-Naiditsch, Dortmund 2005 (QGA) by Dennis Monokroussos

Naiditsch-Sutovsky, Dortmund 2005 (Sicilian) annotated by Robert Byrne
Not the best notes, but one of Naiditsch's best games from the tournament. May require free login to access.

Adams-Nielsen, Dortmund 2005 (Petroff) annotated by Jorge Luis Fernandez
It's really impressive to watch Adams squeeze a win out of a seemingly equal Petroff.

Van Wely-Topalov, Dortmund 2005 annotated by IM Hector Leyva
A nice set of annotations with java-board.

Adams-Topalov, Dortmund 2005 by GM Varuzhan Akobian
Sutovski-Kramnik, Dortmund 2005
Kramnik-Topalov, Dortmund 2005
Sutovski-Bacrot, Dortmund 2005

You can also find many of the games at least lightly annotated by Dennis (The Chess Mind) Monokroussos at the following links:

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